Tuesday, 30 July 2013
If Holiness was a label It would be Leusvaton! Holiness is not just a name but its a trend style, its unique and distictive. It's a fashion, even more a "lifestyle". Not any tom, dik and harry wears a Leusvaton but people of a certian calibre and the way the live and lead their lives is matched by the fabric they wear. The expensive fabric always reminds them of their life archievement and status core. If then as bretheren would come to the true realization and understanding about Holiness we would lead a life matching it. Don't cheat yourself and opt to live the life of a peasent, enslaved by a worldy mentality yet you are of a higher rank, a royal priest hood, a prince and most importantly a Child of the owner of the Universe. Let us not honor what was created to honor us and be slaves of our inheritance but let us live arccodingly, the earth honoring us and glory being given to God. Therefore put on that royal garment of honor and live distictively and uniquely from the common one. When you have an expensive label, u dnt wear it anyhow or anywhere. Even when walking the street your eyes are always wide open, marking anything that could cause demage to the fabric, you choose to walk in the least busy side of the street even your walk is dignified due to the comfort of the fabric. You don't even want people to touch you and you are not ashemed, you walk in those expensive botiques with your fleshy costly wear and you like saying in your mind "this is cheap, for the price of my coat I can buy 4 of those jeans". Lets match the apparel we wear Spiritualy!
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
[Isaiah 40:8-16, Gen 26:15]
*We ought to remove fear from among us as it distances us away from God.
*Fear delays the plan of the LORD. It may seem that things are not working out in our lives as if God has forsaken us but He hasn't, it is our fear and doubt that delays things for us.
*Being young doesn't mean God doesn't use us. God uses the
youth morethan the old, for we are His hope. [Psalms 127:4], He has made us arrows to destroy the enemy. Therefore we should not be afraid of anything and we shouldn't compromise for the God we serve is an uncompromising God.
*God wants to do great wonders and miracles with us but our fear is holding Him back.
*We mustn't be cowards for cowards have no seat and place in heaven.
*In all that we do we must know that we are the chosen one. [Isaiah 41:8, John 15:16]
*We are not tempted, tried or tested for us to fall but our temptations strengthin us, they help us so we may position ourselves and to prove our Faith. [1 Peter 6:8, James 1:2-3;12, Revelation 2:10]
*If we are able to conqurer fear the LORD will mightily use us. [Isaiah 41:18-20]
God bless you!
To God be the glory, Amen
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