Monday, 30 September 2013


It might be a bit lengthy but please take your time and go through it: Let me say this as the Spirit has been ministering it to me in meditation. It doesn't matter who you are or what manner of title you hold be it apostle, prophet, pastor etc or whether you pray and mountains move, the dead awake, the sick healed, the limbless grow limbs, the toothless teeth etc. Be it that you can pray for hours endlessly, make it rain gold or mistically disappear like Philip but "NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO SPLIT THE CHURCH THAT IS DADICATED UNTO GOD, A CHURCH OF CHRIST". Regardless of any circumstances, challenges, fueds, not seeing eye to eye etc. Even if the church is no longer Word based and not adhearing to the commands of the Holy Spirit that they have quenched Him but you don't have the right to sow devision and split it, unless you once hanged on a tree, suffered shame, and died for that church. Christ will mend His churches and heal all wounds in preparation for the cojoining of the Head to the Body (Husband and the Bride), when He comes. Woe unto those that breakaway churches, their reward is waiting for them and they shall answer before Christ for axing the members of His body. If you believe that there is nothing impossible with God then wait upon the LORD and allow Him to use you as a needle to mend that which is scared and teared. Again don't go on about starting a church with an angry heart, full of unforgiveness and hate, what spirit will you be sowing in the believers? It doesn't matter how scared you are, how bretheren tored you apart or turned you upside down inside out. Don't act out of hurt and anger but follow the directions of the LORD, if He has called you to build a member of His body then do so but if not stay where you are and be like Nehemiah and rebuild the fallen walls of Jerusalem. Christ is LORD the beginning of everything, the same that was and is and will forever be so what you are worrying about He knew it before you were, so stop fussing and let God deal with everything don't touch what you are not suppose to or else you will burn! To GOD be the glory, now and forever and ever unto all eternity, Amen. #ViaBBTGOG

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